Phone: (518) 561-2244
"They are to do good, and to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share." -1Timothy 6:18
In Paul's Letters he proclaimed the Good Works of the Body of Christ, and as Christians, we need to do the same. To that end, here are some of the ways we at Trinity are spreading faith within our community.
* Members of the Trinity family are open about their faith. We share our testimony and have lively discussions. We do this by participating in a weekly Bible Study, and a Book Discussion. In these discussions we learn real life examples of how God is working His wonders in our lives, and we then share this knowledge with others.
*We practice hospitality. Hebrews 13:2 teaches, "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing people have entertained angels without knowing it." We this put into action when we host the Community Meal. In doing so we feed both the physical and spiritual hunger of our neighbors.
*Members of Trinity know that sharing is caring. Along the same lines as hosting the Community Meal, we are part of the Interfaith Food Shelf. In these times of food instability, we join other churches and community members to ensure food donations reach those who need them most. Additionally, we share acts of kindness. For example, we visit the sick, and provide worship service to nursing homes.
*Our church family participates in prayer partnership by reading Forward Movement's Day By Day book, attending Centering Prayer, and by praying for those in need in our weekly online Prayer List.
Can you think of other ways we can exercise our faith? Call or email us, and we'll be sure to consider your suggestions.